Sunday, November 17, 2024

A sole and a flounder are swimming in the ocean when they bump into each other. The sole says, "A flounder!" The flounder, to be polite, say nothing. Fingers 2 Hands: Going Flying Kites.

 Pages To Books.Love and light,knights in the woods, dances for luck, coins to flip, goodness and mercy, notes of angels on earth.Marina & The Diamonds: Building Dreams, Sands Of Time. Fairies, dancing on the sands of time, in the moon lights: dreams of another time, once in a dreams. pixies, and earth angels, in the sky.MADE HISTORY TODAY.Holiday Cheers, New Year Around The Bend.

Why not? Trips To Disneyland, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, Walks.A Secret Affair.
Then vs Now .The Struggle - This is Where Bad Times Begin ... - Barnes & Noble. Living The Good Life.PEOPLE SAY , I ACT, LIKE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. MOTHERFUCKERS... I'M NOT ACTING.
Can you see me? “If you do what’s hard, your life will be easy. If you do what’s easy, your life will be hard.” #Jeezy DROPPING GEMS on how to be SUCCESSFUL .Just had to share, views online...I swear I thought of u ..THE Real U. Breaking the Silence. Sent on a course , a course to the neverlands.My, but what big beautiful black eyes you have,...all the better to hear, what's in the if I may be so bold, also what beautiful legs you also have.

First, there is the person we are in life, and then the person we see ourselves as in our dreams. It’s a lucky person when there is no difference. Our greatest glory is not in never failing. But in rising every time we fall.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons. This statement is not about self confidence and loving yourself its about the hurt we all feel when let down by someone. I dont care who you think you are if someone you love or care for deeply enough hurts you it's painful regardless.

Rachel Cattlecaller I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs. Cube is better than Mexico, and those family members are used to be projection for their owning feeling.

So you say you want a revolution . "People follow leaders by choice.Do not be fooled .TAKE SPRUCSE POWER, ALL ABOUT COLLECTING FEES, TO TRADE A TERMINATION FOR A TRANSFER, RIGHT, TALK ABOUT THEIR LESS-THAN-STELLAR SERVICE?I ain’t the one to gossip.

Jena Marie Griswold (born October 2, 1984) is an American attorney and politician from the state of Colorado. A Democrat, she is the 39th Colorado Secretary of State, serving since January 8, 2019.[1]

From: Kristen Gabel via DocuSign....A sole and a flounder are swimming in the ocean when they bump into each other. The sole says, "A flounder!" The flounder, to be polite, say nothing. Fingers 2 Hands: Going Flying Kites.

.A sole and a flounder are swimming in the ocean when they bump into each other. The sole says, "A flounder!" The flounder, to be polite, say nothing. Fingers 2 Hands: Going Flying Kites.

Pages To Books.Love and light,knights in the woods, dances for luck, coins to flip, goodness and mercy, notes of angels on earth.Marina & The Diamonds: Building Dreams, Sands Of Time. Fairies, dancing on the sands of time, in the moon lights: dreams of another time, once in a dreams. pixies, and earth angels, in the sky.MADE HISTORY TODAY.Holiday Cheers, New Year Around The Bend.

From: Kristen Gabel via DocuSign....A sole and a flounder are swimming in the ocean when they bump into each other. The sole says, "A flounder!" The flounder, to be polite, say nothing. Fingers 2 Hands: Going Flying Kites.

Remember tonight...Pages To Books.Love and light,knights in the woods, dances for luck, coins to flip, goodness and mercy, notes of angels on earth.Marina & The Diamonds: Building Dreams, Sands Of Time. Fairies, dancing on the sands of time, in the moon lights: dreams of another time, once in a dreams. pixies, and earth angels, in the sky.MADE HISTORY TODAY.Holiday Cheers, New Year Around The Bend..

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